Yet another “Hello World” post. At this point I think I’ve actually created more blogs than blog posts, which really doesn’t inspire confidence, but time will tell.
Originally I started my personal site with a Django + Postgres. A bit overkill for a blog that never gets any traffic, but I enjoyed the process. After moving my site around between AWS and other providers and breifly losing my SSH keys, I’ve finally decided to scrap the old Django project and build something a bit simplier.
My criteria for this site
- I don’t want to manage infrastructure
- No wordpress
- Not too much configuration
- Markdown would be nice
- I seriously don’t want to manage servers
Enter Hugo a light-weight framework for building static websites. The main selling point for me was that I can host the whole thing on object storage! After trying unsuccessfully to get things running on Linode’s object storage I just threw it on S3 and here we are. It just took a little R53 + CloudFront tinkering.
So far its pretty great. It is extremely fast and deploying updates is as easy as hugo -v && hugo deploy
There are some decent tutorials on the internet, but maybe I should write one up since we still had to go off the road a little.